Tenant Resources


All tenants, as well as their employees, clients, customers and guests, must comply with the following rules and regulations. The landlord reserves the right to reasonably modify these regulations as needed; the landlord will promptly notify all tenants of any modifications.

  1. Tenants must obtain written permission from the landlord to use the name or images of the building in advertising. Only the building address, 901 Marquette Avenue South, may be used without written permission.
  2. Tenants' employees and guests may not congregate so as to obstruct sidewalks, passageways in and around the building, elevators, or stairways. Tenants may not place objects against glass partitions, doors, or windows so as to create unsightly distractions from the building corridor or from the exterior of the building, and must promptly remove any unsightly objects upon notice from the landlord.
  3. Tenants may not produce noises, vibrations, or odors that may be offensive to other tenants and occupants of the building. Tenants may not use any mechanical or electrical equipment that would produce such disturbances, interfere with the operation of any other mechanical or electrical equipment, or disrupt radio or television reception. Tenants may not install any projections, antennae, aerials or similar devices inside or outside the premises.
  4. Tenants may not waste electricity or water and must cooperate fully with the landlord to assure the most effective operation of the building's heating and air conditioning. Tenants must refrain from attempting to adjust any controls other than room thermostats installed for the tenants' use. Tenants must observe regulations regarding the use and operation of the window sun shading system and must keep corridor doors closed.
  5. Door keys for the premises will be furnished at the commencement of the term by the landlord. Tenants may not affix additional locks on any doors without the landlord's consent, and shall purchase duplicate keys only from the landlord. When the lease is terminated, tenants must return all keys to the landlord and will provide the landlord with any combinations or keys to any safes, cabinets, or vaults left in the premises.
  6. Tenants assume full responsibility for protecting their space from theft, which includes keeping doors locked and other means of entry to the premises closed and secured.
  7. Peddlers and solicitors must be reported to the landlord.
  8. Tenants must receive written permission from the landlord before installing or operating machinery or any mechanical devices not directly related to the tenant's ordinary use of the premises.
  9. No person or contractor not employed or permitted by the landlord shall be used to perform window washing, cleaning, decorating, repair or other work in the premises.
  10. Tenants and their employees and guests may not make or commit any indecent or improper acts or noises in the building, or interfere in any way with the other tenants' employees or guests. Tenants may not use any part of the leased premises for sleeping purposes or any other undesirable use.
  11. All safes, merchandise, furniture, equipment and other bulky articles must be carried up or into the premises at such times and in such manners as specified by the landlord. The landlord shall in all cases retain the power to prescribe the proper position of such safes and to control their weight, and any damage done to the building by putting in or taking out a safe, or from overloading the floor with any safe, shall be paid by the tenant causing it.
  12. No bicycle or other vehicle, and no dogs, birds or other animals, except those animals assisting an individual with a disability, shall be allowed in the offices, halls, corridors, or any other parts of the building.
  13. Tenants may not cook in the building without the Landlord's advance permission, which will not be unreasonably withheld.
  14. In no event shall any person bring into the building flammable materials (e.g., gasoline, naphtha, and benzene) or explosives or any other chemical or material of intrinsically dangerous nature. If a tenant fails to comply with this requirement, resulting in increased building insurance premiums, the Landlord shall have the option to require the tenant to make immediate payment for the whole of the increased insurance premium.
  15. Tenants must comply with all applicable federal, state, and municipal laws, ordinances, and regulations. Tenants must not directly or indirectly make any use of the premises which may be prohibited by any legal authority or which shall be dangerous to persons or property or shall increase the cost of insurance and/or require additional insurance coverage.
  16. The Landlord reserves the right to make other rules and regulations to maintain the safety, care, cleanliness, and good order of the building.

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All vendors working in the building are required to have a certificate of insurance on file in the Management Office. Please contact (612) 492-4994 for more information.

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Tenants should contact the Building Management Office at (612) 492-4994 at least two weeks prior to a move to reserve the freight elevators.

Tenants should indicate the name and telephone number of the moving company and the time of the move. All moves from the loading dock must be made on weekends or between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., weekdays.

After-hour dock access requires the submittal of the Tenant Authorized Activity Report, which can be found in the Forms section

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